while loop and read file program - C++ Forum - Cplusplus.com Suppose the ifstream variable is input, then use while(!input.eof()) for ... while (myfile.good() ) { // Get the current line in the file getline (myfile, ...
Problem with getline - C++ Forum - Cplusplus.com This program is for counting words in a string. It would work fine if I could get the second getline function inside of my while loop. For some ...
c++ - Detecting end of input using std::getline - Stack Overflow 2013年10月30日 - Rationale behind having std::getline() in the while loop's condition must be that, when getline() cannot read any more input, it returns zero and ...
c++ - Reading multiple lines from a file using getline ... 2013年12月24日 - First, does the while loop conditional getline(inFile, firstName) return a boolean? If so, how can it be true (i.e. how can the while loop start) if I ...
c++ - Using getline to read from text file leads to infinite loop ... 2013年2月26日 - while(getline(txt,title_buffer)) { static int counter = 1; //getline(title_buffer, buffer_size); .... You need to put eof condition in the internal for loop.
xml - c++ while loops, using getline function - Stack Overflow 6 小時前 - Ok so to start because people like to know, this is homework. ... this did not post properly ... tried to fix the file content, is that what you were tring to ...
c++ - getline() not working second time in a while loop ... 2011年12月31日 - cin >> yes;. Right there, the user enters a letter, let's say 'y'. Then hits enter. This stores 2 characters in the input buffer, 'y' and '\n'. The 'y' gets stored in ...
c++ - Having trouble calling getline(cin, str) in a while loop ... 2012年11月21日 - It's difficult to tell what is being asked here. This question is ambiguous, vague, incomplete, overly broad, or rhetorical and cannot be reasonably ...
c++ - reading file with while loops.. how does it work ... 2012年12月23日 - Why is it possible to read a file using a while loop such as while (file >> variable) or while (getline(xx, yy)) Do the >> and getline functions return ...
how do i use "getline" inside a while loop? - MSDN - Microsoft 2008年2月3日 - Visual C++ Express Edition. Visual C++ Express Edition ... I'm not sure how to make the getline work inside of a while loop. If anyone can help it ...